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o ka   aba    (ka)      agiho   inte
I    I-gen   father (gen) soc.   go-p.t.
‘I  went  with  my  father’
ika  myu  h  mó ka  aba  agiho  du.
that man det. he gen. brother soc. stay
‘that  man  lives with  his  brother’
hime  ata  h  nym  agiho  bsido
boy  pl.w.  det. girl soc.  sing-exist
‘the  boys  are  singing  with a  girl’
m ka  ami  agi  ho  m mi o  kapato
he-gen . cat soc.  he acc.  I see-p.t.
‘I  saw  him  with  his  cat’
m (ka)  agiho  subu  mi  bdne
he (gen.) soc.  mithun acc.  take-p.t.
‘he  took  with  him  his  mithun’

Direction :
The direction is also expressed through a complex case. The possessive noun phrase takes ‘dalyi ho’ to indicate the direction. When the noun is an inanimate object, the possessive case sign is dropped.

pat  h  nym  k  dalyi ho  harane
tiger det. girl pos. direction loc. run-p.t.
‘the tiger ran towards the girl’
myu h aki k dalyi ho ine
man det. dog pos. direction loc. go-p.t.
‘the man went towards a dog’
nym kle dalyi ho ine
girl river direction loc. go-p.t.
‘the girl went towards the river’
aro dalyi
morning direction
‘towards morning’
ali dalyi
evening direction
‘towards evening’

Path :
The path is expressed through the complex case which is combination of locative and purposive case signs. This is also used to indicate the means of travel. In such constructions the deletion of the locative case sign is optional.

dumi more hopa ado
Dumi forest path come-exist
‘Dumi is coming through the forest’
mlu bagari (ho)pa aku
they bus path come-asp
‘they came by bus’
m paji (ho)pa harne
she cycle path go-p.t.
‘she went by bicycle’

Existential Possessive :
The genitive case sign along with the locative case sign form a complex case and expresses the existential possessive meaning. In such instances, because of the spatial association of an object, it is attributed some kind of ‘belongingness’ meaning as shown in the example below :





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