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Suggestive : The speaker suggests to do the action collectively alongwith the hearer(s). To express this, ‘sa’ is added to the verb.
unu bjedo insa. ‘let us go to bazar’
we bajar-loc. kill-m.
unu alyi mi mensa. ‘let us kill the pig’
we pig-acc. kill-m
Capability : Indicates the ability of the agent in performing the action identified by the verb. ‘ke’ is added to the verb to indicate this mood.
o putu cake do  ‘I can climb the hill’
I hill climb exist
m alyi mi menkedo. ‘he can kill the pig’
he pig acc. kill-m. exist
mukedo. ‘he can tell’
he tell-m. exist
Obligation : Expresses the obligation on the part of the doer of the action in performing the action. ‘lo’ is added to indicate this mood and is added alongwith the simple future tense.
o mcilo.   ‘ I must do’
I do-f.t.-m.    
mo lucilo.   ‘he must tell’
he tell-f.t.-m.    
o incilo   ‘I must go’
I go-f.t. -m.    
Permissive : When the hearer is given permission to do the action expressed by the verb, ‘t‘ is used along with the imperative marker to indicate it. The emphatic marker (?) ‘ka’ also occurs along with it.
inetka   ‘(you) can go’
meetka   ‘(you) can kill’



‘(you) can tell’

The negative of this is formed by adding ‘yo’ along with the emphatic marker ‘ka’. In such constructions both the imperative marker and the permissive marker are replaced by ‘yo’ which is also used as prohibitive marker.
iyoka   ‘(you) are not permitted to go’
meyoka   ‘(you) are not permitted to kill’
luyoka   ‘(you) are not permitted to tell’
When a third person is given permission, through the hearer (second person) then the man whom permission is granted (third person) will appear as object and ‘kne’ is added to the verb





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