Causativization13 |
Causatives are found in three distinct classes in Angami : |
Causatives which do not morphologically differ from the
non-causatives or intransitives but which have obligatory manner
or instrument markers prefixed to them. When the manner makers
are prefixed, the initial consonant of the verb is aspirated.
Typically, verbs becoming causatives in this manner are
‘included-object’ ‘included-instrument’ verbs. |
1. t
® |
bi th
‘to cut rope (with hand)’ |
‘to give way’ |
ci th |
‘to break by pulling at a hung object’ |
(as of rope) |
d th
} |
‘to cut with dao’ |
r th |
r th
‘to cut with saw’ |
b th
‘to cut with scissors’ |
d th
‘to cut with blunt implements like axe’ |
2. pru
® |
v phru
‘to break glass (by dropping)’ |
‘to break’ |
bi phru
‘to break glass (with hand)’ |
(glass, pot) |
d phru
‘to break glass (with any implement)’ |
p phru
‘to break glass (with something that is
thrown)’ |
3. pru
® |
s phru
‘to split or break party etc. |
‘to split’ |
intentionally’ |
(class, party) |
bi phru
‘to split or break party etc. because of
circumstances, like |
inability of the leadership’ |
___________ |
13The term ‘causativization’ I have used,
interchangeably, with ‘transitivization’, since the verbs
discussed here typically have an underlying ‘cause + happen’
configuation. |
4. c
® |
bi ch
‘to break windowpane by hand’ |
‘to break |
(windowpane |
p ch
‘to break windowpane by |
bamboo)’ |
throwing something’ |
d ch
‘.............with any implement’ |
k s ch
‘............due to external impact’ |
5. ts
® |
ci tsh
‘to break tree with hands’ |
‘to break or |
d tsh
‘.........with dao or other big implements’ |
cut tree’ |
d tsh
‘...........with heavy implements like axe’ |
w tsh
‘to fell tree with any implement’ |
Causatives which are morphologically different from the
non-causatives. This has three sub-classes : (i) causatives
which are derived from non-causatives by prefixing p
(ii) morphologically marked non-causatives made causative by the
replacement of the non-sausative marker r
by the causative marker k
(iii) Non-causatives become causative when the intrasitive
marker r is deleted |
(i) lh |
® |
p lh
‘to grow (animate beings)’ |
l |
® |
p l
‘to make any liquid hot or to boil’ |
t |
® |
p t |
‘to kindle fire’ |
mh |
® |
p mh
‘to extinguish fire’ |
z |
® |
p z
‘to melt’ |