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2.6.4. The Demonstrative Pronoun
         The Demonstrative Pronominal system in Angami distinguishes three kinds of spatial distance: (1) Speaker-proximate demonstrative pronoun which refers to objects near the speaker. (2) Listener-proximate demonstrative pronoun which refers to objects away
          Since tone is nto adequately marked in the script, the First person incl. pl. and the Third person pl. (which are distinguished solely by tone) are ambiguous in writing. The ‘Ura Acadamy’, the native authority for devlopmental efforts in Angami has suggested exclusive use of k ‘we’ and k ‘they’ and leaving out k ‘we’ altogether in writing.
from the speaker but nearer the listener and (3) Remote demonstrative pronoun which refers to objects far away both from the speaker and the listener. The above three are used as deictic pronouns and there is a non-deictic pronoun which is used for objects which are not demostrable or visible. They may be marked for gender, number or diminution.
        The gender distinction for Demonstrative pronouns is slightly different from that of substantives. The distinction is Human feminine Vs human-feminine which includes human masculine and non-human. Gender distinction is not usually made in the diminutive and in the dual and plural numbers.
Demonstrative pronouns:






Human Feminine hpf (hpfhni) (hpfk)
Nonhuman-feminine  h hni hk
Diminutive hy hniy hky





Human feminine tspf (tspfni) (tspfk)
Non-human-feminine ts tsni tsk
Diminutive tsy tsniy tsky
Human feminine lpf (lpfni) (lpfk)
Non human-feminine l lni lk
Diminutive ly lniy lky
Human feminine spf (spfni) (spfk)
Non human-feminine s sni sk
Dininutive sy sniy sky
      An analysis of the above paradigms will give us the following allomorphic statements : h the speaker-proximate demonstrative pronoun becomes h-before suffixes and remains h elswhere. Similarly the listner proximate ts becomes ts- before suffixes and remains ts elswhere and the Remote l becomes l- before suffixes and remains l elsewhere. The same holds good for s the non-deictic pronoun.
     There is no morphological difference between demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative noun attributes.
     Apart from the gender, number and diminutive suffixes, various other suffixes may be added to these demonstrative pronouns to form a productive variety of demonstrative constructions, most of them being adverbial.
1. Dem. + locative case marker, n
h + n ® hn ‘here’
ts + n ® tsn ‘there’
l + n ® ln ‘there’
s + n ® sn ‘there’
2. Dem. + source case marker, nn
h + nn ® hnn ‘from here’
ts + nn ® tsnn ‘from there’
l + nn ® lnn ‘from there’
s + nn ® snn ‘from there’
3. Dem. + goal or allative case markers, k and g
h + k ® hk ‘(to) here’
ts + k ® tsk ‘(to) there’
l + k ® lk ‘(to) there’
s + k ® sk ‘(to) there’
h + g ® hg ‘(to) here’
ts + g ® tsg ‘(to) there’
l + g ® lg ‘(to) there’
s + g ® sg ‘(to) there’
4. Dem. + benefactive case marker, l
h + l ® hl ‘that is why’ literally ‘for this’
s + l ® sl ‘therefore’ literally ‘for that’
5. Dem. + direction marker, ts
h + ts ® hts ‘towards here’
ts + ts ® tsts ‘towards there’
l + ts ® lts ‘towards there’
s + ts ® sts ‘towards there’
6. Dem. + quantificational suffix, d
h + d ® hd ‘this much’
ts + d ® tsd ‘that much’
l + d ® ld ‘that much’
s + d ® sd ‘that much’




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