7. VERBS |
7.0. Verb is a class of words inflected for the categories of tense and/or mood. Verb stems may either be simple or complex. A simple stem consists only of a root. A complex stem has a root followed by one or more derviational or formative elements. The inflected verbs may be divided into finite and non-finite verbs. The finite verbs are predicates of main clauses and inflected for person, number and gender in the indicative mood. Non-finite verbs are predicates of subordinate clauses and like finite verbs they are not inflected. |
To determine the stem in verbal form it is convenient to follow a procedure like the following:
If a suffixless second person singular imperative occurs as a free form, that may be taken as indentical with the stem itself. If a suffix for the second person singular imperative occurs, the stem can be identified with that form minus the imperative suffix.
For instance, the following suffixless second person singular imperative forms are identical with the stem.
/un/ |
‘drink’ |
/tin/ |
‘eat’ |
/ta:/ |
‘bring’ |
/han/ |
‘go’ |
/ta:s/ |
‘keep’ |
/man/ |
‘be, live’ |
From the forms given below if the suffix is substracted, the residual forms are identical with the stem.
Stem |
/uda:/ |
‘sit’ |
/ud/ |
/wa:ra:/ |
‘sing’ |
/wa:r/ |
/wa ka:/ |
‘speak’ |
/wa k/ |
/ke:nja:/ |
‘listen’ |
/ke:nj/ |
/da:ya:/ |
‘go along’ |
/da:y/ |
/ki:m/ |
‘do’ |
/ki:/ |
/o:ym/ |
‘carry |
/o:y/ |
/hi:m/ |
‘give’ |
/hi:/ |
/arm/ |
‘fall’ |
/ar/ |
/paym/ |
‘hold’ |
/pay/ |