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       These postpositions express the sense denoted by the case suffixes and mostly they give the locative meaning.
Stem- (plural) - (oblique) - (case) - postposition.
aga: ‘near, with, in’(independently it means ‘there’)
na:aga: ‘in me, with me’
lo:t-a: aga: ‘in the house, into the house’
ai: ‘under, below, down’
mara:-t-a: ai: ‘under, the tree’
parro: ‘above, on’
lo:-t-a: parro: ‘above/on the house’
na: parro: ‘on me’
lo:pa: ‘inside, in’
kan-t-a: lopa: ‘in the eyes’
suwa: lo:pa: ‘inside the well’
gui:-t-a: lo:pa: ‘in the temple’
gu:re: ‘near, nearby’
mara: gu:re: ‘near the tree’
lo:t-a: gu:re: ‘nearby the house’
he:re: ‘near, nearby, close’
kis he:re: ‘near the fire’
kuwe:r-t-a: he:re: ‘nearby the rive’
nega: ‘with, possession, near’
na: nega: ‘with me, in my possesion’
na:--e: nega: ‘near the village’
nena: ‘through’
o:k nena: ‘through the fields’
maa: nena: ‘through the forests’
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