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Comparison of Abujmaria and the Maia
Dialect of Chanda
Given below are some of the features which clearly establish Abujhmaria as a distinct Dialect from that of Maia dialect of Chanda as described by Veena(1962).
      (1) In the phonemic inventory both the dialects have the same number of vowels - five short and five long vowels. But in Maia, Short vowels which occur word-finally are said to lengthen their duration before the plural mophemes, whereas in Abujhmaria, all the vowels word -finally are pronounced half-long. With regard to consonants, voiced velar fricative // and a glottal stop /?/ are found phonemic in Maia dialect only.
      (2) In both dialects vowel clusters are not found. There are instances where /py/, /ty/ and /ky/ occur as syllabue onsets in Maia a dialect. In Abujhmaria they are two instances of intial consonant clusters /rr/ and /gy/ as in the examples: /tra:s/ ‘snake’and / /gya:ra:/ ‘eleven’.
      (3) In Maia dialect /k/ does not occur as a cluster with //, /g/ does not occur with /r/ and // ,// does not occur with /r/ ; so also /l/ not with /d, c, j/, /r/ not with /d, c/ and // does not form a cluster with /c/, wherein in Abujhmaria these are all possible clusters.
      (4) The table given below shows the grammatical differences found in these two dialects.
Maia Abujhmaria
Mas. gender
suffix sg.
-n, -in -al, -i:, -o:, -e:
suffix sg.
-t,- -a:, -i: -lo:r, -o:r, -r -lo:r,-r -, - -ku, -sku -,-k, -sk
Far-remote demonstrative -e:gu (masc. sg.)
-e:ru (masc. pl.)
-e:du (n. masc. sg.)
-o:vu (n.
Remote demonstrative -e:gu ( e:r
-i:ru (masc. pl.) e:rlo:r
Accusative -nu, -inu, -unu -n, -un, -kun
Dative -?ku, -ku,
-u?ku, -?, -i
-kun, -n
Locative -e:ke, -aga,-e e:(which is also instrumental suffix)
Ablative aga?u, a?u,
Genitive -a: -a:
I person:
  incl. pl.
  excl. pl.
Dravidian cardinal num. upto seven upto six
Num. twenty vi:sa: ko:i:
Num. thirty daha vi:sa: ea ko:i:
---- -d, -t, -, -n,
Causative i?,pi?,a? -h, -ih, -t
Double Causative ---- -t, -iht
Past suffix -t -t
-k, -n, -e:n,
-ve:n, -e:r, -vo:r
-e:, -ve:, -a:
-a:k, -a:n, -a:r
Conditional -teke -e:k
Neg.conditional -veke -w-e:k
Pres. participle -sore, -core
-sor, -cor,-jor
past participle -isi,-si,-ci,
-ji, -sisi
-si, -ci, -ji
Pres, infinitive -na - a, -i:
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