4.4.0. Noun Classification |
Nouns may be classified into basic nouns and dervied nouns. Basic nouns comprise of a single unanalyzable root morpheme and occur without any derivative suffix. The gender of the basic nouns is inferred lexically. Following are the few examples for basic nouns.
mendo:l |
‘body’ |
o: |
‘field’ |
pir |
‘rain’ |
wa i: |
‘air’ |
lo:n |
‘house’ |
kar |
‘hunger’ |
kan |
‘eye’ |
pa:l |
‘milk’ |
kal |
‘stone’ |
pu ga:r |
‘flower’ |
pe:n |
‘god’ |
ma a: |
‘moundtain’, etc. |
4.4.1. Derived Nouns |
Derived nouns consist of at least one derivational suffix unlike basic nouns which are void of any such suffix. Nouns could be derived from verb bases, adjectve bases, adverb bases and noun bases by the addition of their respective noun forming suffixes.
Nouns Derived From Verbs:
There are many nouns which are derived from verb bases by siffixing -wa:l or -ya:l. The nouns so derived are the verbal nouns and agentive nouns. Following are the few examples for the nouns dervied from the verb bases.
wa:r |
‘sing’ |
wa:r-wa:l |
‘singer, one who sings’ |
e:nd |
‘dance’ |
e:nd-wa:l |
‘dancer, one who dances’ |
tin |
‘eat’ |
tin-wa:l |
‘eater, one who eats’ |
mam |
‘sell’ |
mam-wa:l |
‘seller, one who sells’ |
un |
‘drink’ |
un-wa:l |
‘drinker, one who drinks’ |
go:t |
‘love’ |
go:t-ya:l |
‘lover, one who loves’ |
ko: i: |
‘to be bent’ |
ko: i-ya:l |
‘lame person’ |