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Phonemes No. of occurrence as
C1 +C2
/p/ 4 + 8 12
/b/ 1 + 3 4
/t/ 4 + 6 10
/d/ 3 + 3 6
/c/ 0 + 7 7
/j/ 0 + 2 2
// 3 + 1 4
// 8 + 2 10
/k/ 5 + 14 19
/g/ 2 + 3 5
/s/ 9 + 6 15
/h/ 9 + 3 12
/l/ 8 + 9 17
/r/ 14 + 10 24
/m/ 7 + 7 14
/n/ 7 + 7 14
// 1 + 1 2
// 11+ 4 15
/w/ 4 + 6 10
/y/ 6 + 4 10
       It is evident from the above table that the consonant /r/ has the highest freedom (24); // and /j/ the lowest freedom index (2). As typological classes, sonorants have more number of combinational freedom than do the obstruents. Medial Three-consonant Clusters
       In the medial three-consonant clusters only a sonorant forms the first member while either an obtruent or a sonorant becomes the second or third member, On the basis of clustering they may be divided into three groups as,
             where C1 C2 are homorganic consonants,
             where C2 C3 are homorganic consonants and
             where C3 is always -k.
(1) agra:l �bald-head person�
go:ndri: �onion�
panri: �white�
(2) amto: �younger sister�s husband�
margi: �rib-bone�
turnji: �flute�
aga: �bellows�
ga:ynta:l �village medicine man�
(3) anki: �middle finger�
ta:ndki: �liver�
biska:na: �to move�
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