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       (iv) Clusters of Sonorant + Obstruent
C2: p b t d k g c j s h
m mb mk mc m
n nt nd nk nc nj
l lp lk lc lj ls
r rp rb rt rd rk rg rc rs rh
p t k g c s h
w wk wh
y yp yt yk ys
       Both voiced and voiceless obstruents occur after sonorants as second members of clusters of this group. /d/ occurs after nasal /n/; it also occurs after /r/. // instead of occurring with its corresponding homorganic nasal, occurs with /m/. Both /r/ and // get into more combinations than the other sonorants.
-mb- limbu: �lemon�
-mk- kamka: �turmeric�
-mc- umca: �to wipe�
-m- cima: �tongs�
-nt- ante: �direction�
-nd- a:nda:r �darkness, dusk�
-nk- inka: �belch�
-nc- a:nca: �wife�
-nj- inje �now�
-g- agi: �shirt�
-lp- salpam �lazy�
-lk- alka: �to chew�
-lc- wolca: �to sew�
-lj- alja: �to crawl�
-ls- jelsa: �a gate�
-rp- rupunj �chappal�
-rb- dorba: �lung�
-rt- te:rta: �to abuse�
-rd- girda: �joy�
-rk- irki: �charcoal�
-rg- gorga: �salphi-juice� (sago-palm juice)
-rc- urca: �to wear�
-rs- irsu: �axle�
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