[i.] Lower-high unrounded half-long vocoid occurs elsewhere. |
/na: i:/ |
[na: i.] |
‘tomorrow’ |
/e/ - [e] Mid-front short unround vocoid with an onglide [y] initially, occurs in initial and medial position in a word. |
/en/ |
[yen] |
‘bunch of grains’ |
/el/ |
[yel] |
‘rat’ |
/kel/ |
[kel] |
‘hair’ |
/e:/ - [e:], [e.] |
[e:] Mid-front long unrounded vocoid, occurs in word-initial and medial positons. Initially, it occurs with an onglide [y]. |
/e: i:/ |
[ye: i] |
‘she-goat’ |
/e:n/ |
[ye:n] |
‘elephant’ |
[e.] Mid-front halt-long unrounded vocoid occurs elsewhere. |
/ma:re/ |
[ma:re.] |
‘wing’ |
/kikke:/ |
[kikke.] |
‘fish’ |
/u/ - [u] High-back short rounded vocoid, occurs in word-initial and medial positions. |
/uskul/ |
[uskul] |
‘school’ |
/u uk/ |
[u uk] |
‘urine’ |
/u:/ -[u:], [u.] |
[u:] High-back long rounded vocoid, occurs in word-initial and medial positions. |
/u:p/ |
[u:p] |
‘smoke stains on wall’ |
/mu:n / |
[mu: ] |
‘three’ |