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       Other infinitive in abujhmaria suffix -na/a:na and the Kurux infinitive suffix -na seem to be borrowed from Indo-Aryan.
       In Abujhmaria and languages like Kona, Kui, Naiki (Chanda), Kurux infinitives also function as verbal nouns.
tinda:na: watur ‘(he) came to eat’
kiy-a:na: puno:r ‘(he) did not know how to do’
una sidru ‘drinking water’
tin-en un-en ‘eating (and) drinking’
es-na ‘breaking’
       In Brahui, the verbal noun with suffix -ing (variant -e:ng) is used as the infinitive.
tin-ing ‘to give’
khall-ing ‘to strike’
ras-e:ing ‘to arrive’
       The Abujhmaria causative suffix -h corresponds to -R in Kona, -c in Pengo, Mana, -S in Kui and -ss in Kuvi.
Maria : to:-h- ‘to cause to show’
Kona : to-R- ‘to cause to appear’
Pengo : co:-c- ‘to cause to appear’
Mana : tu:-c- ‘to cause to appear’
Kui : to:-s- ‘to cause to appear’
Kuvi : to:-ss- ‘to cause to appear’
       All these could be traced to *to:tt- (DED. 2942).
       Besides these correspondences we have other correspondences also.
       Maria -h corresponds to -R in Kona, -c in Pengo, -h Mana, Kui and Kuvi (also as -s/-ss).
Maria, Gondi : ni:h- ‘to fill’
Kona : ni:-R- ‘to fill’
Pengo : ne-c- ‘to fill’
Mana : ne-h- ‘to fill’
Kui : ne-h/ne-s ‘to fill’
Kuvi : ne-ss/ne-h ‘to fill’
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