p- < *p- |
Maria. pal tooth; Ta. Ma. Ko. Ka. pal toth; Ko . pal tooth; Ko . palli id; Te. palu tooth; Kol. Nk. pal; Pa. pel; Ga (Oll). pal, (S). pallu:; Go. Dorli. Koya. Kon a. Man a. pal; Kui. palu; Kuvi. pallu; Kur. pall; Malt. palu. the teeth (C.Dr.Ph., p.85).
Maria. pe:l excrement; Ta. pe:l to ease oneself; Ka. pe:l to void excrements; Te. pe: a, pe:n a dung of cattle, pe a manure; Kol. penda cow-dung; Nk. penda dung; Go. pe:la:na: to defecate (DED. 3636).
-p- < *-pp- |
Maria. tape: father; Ta. appan father etc.; Ma. appan; Ka. appa, apa; Ko .appe; Tu. appa affix of respect; Te. appa father, mother, etc.; Go. a:po:ra:l, tape, ta:pe, tappe father; Kui. a:po boy, son; Kuvi. appa grand-mother.
-pp- < *-pp- |
Maria. kuppa: heap; Ta. kuppam; Ma. kuppa heap of dirt; Ko. kip heap of rubbish; Ka. kuppe heap; Te. kuppa; Pa. kuppa; Go. kuppa; Kon a. kupa; Pe. kupa (DED. 1440).
Maria. oppa: leaf cup; Ka. koppe, doppe; Te. doppa; Kol. ompa:, dompa:; Nk. oppa:; Pa. oppa; Go. oppa:.
b- < *p- |
Maria. bommo: breast; Kol. pamme; Nk. pamme; Go. boma, bomo, bom; Nk (Ch). pomme (DED.3246).
Maria. bars- to grow, increase; Ta. Ma. peruku; Te. perungu; Ka. pergu increase; Nk. perg- to grow up; Go. persa:na: to extend; Kon a. per, peri big, large; Kui. beri beri inba to swell, increase; Kur. pardna: to grow in number (DED.3613).
In Maria data in some entries initial b- and w- are interchangeable which may represent a dialect condition. ba nj ~ wa·nj : Ta. viral; Te. vre:lu (DED. 4436).
There are few correspondences of Ta. etc. v-, Ka. etc. b- : Maria b- like Ta. va i, Ka. ba i: Maria. Go. ba ga s stick.
Many of the itmes with b- seem to be loans. Like Maria. bar8ihi carpenter; bariya big; ba:ba:l father, ba:ra: twelve, etc.
Zvelebil observes that in DED. 4228, the Go. forms with b [v- seem to be the resuit of aphaeresis and metathesis -Vvv- > vV- > bV- like batal, batti, etc. what, bad; pl. bau who; badu what, baccon how many; baga:, be:ga where, etc. (C.Dr.Ph., 157). The above shown forms are retained in Maria too, of course, with some phonetic change.