SOV Type |
In this type the obligatory verb is transtive.
nanna: ni:kun hu: ita:n
‘I see you’
nima: ka:ge:tkun ka ul porro: ta:sa:
‘you keep the book on the table’
wo:r lo:te: mantur
‘he is at home’
In this type the object is a locational word which is found with roots denoting motion.
o:rlo:r beske: beke: anjmatto:r
‘when and where those people went?’
| SO2O1V Type |
This clause consists of a subject, object2, i.e., an indirect object, object1, i.e., a direct object and a verb. Verbs are distransitive verbs, taking tow objects such as, to give, to tell, to bring, etc. Out of two objects one is direct while the other is indirect.
wo:r tra:nkun pa:l hi:to:r
‘he gave milk to snake’
ya:ya:l mari:n pan i hi:t
‘mother gave fruits to child’
In the above, the indirect object is with accusative case marker and the direct object is without a case marker.
| SCV Type |
In the clause of sujbect-subjective complement-verb type, the subjective complement is the auxiliary verb a:y meaning ‘to become’.
masiya: gu: a:l a:ndur
‘Masiya is a dwarf’
ma a: gu: a: a:nd
‘hill is small’
| SOCV Type |
Subject-object-objective ocmplement-verb.
nanna: ide:n nehna: ki:ka:n
‘I shall make this alright’
wo:r dula:n ba i: ki:tur
‘they welcome the bridge-groom’