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7.9.8.Third Person Non-masculine Plural
       Third person non-masculine plural has two allomorphs. -a: -u:
       -u: occurs after the future tense and durative suffix.
inda:n-u: ‘they will say’
manda:n-u: ‘they will live’
pana:n-u: ‘they will make’
a:ya:n-u: ‘they will become’
una:n-u: ‘they will drink’
pe:la:n-u: ‘they will defecate’
tintor-u: ‘they were eating’
-a: occurs elewhere.
ti:hint-a: ‘they eat’
titt-a: ‘they ate’
tind-a: ‘they used to eat’
Before the negative suffix -o:, the initial vowel of the suffix is dropped.
tinno:- ‘they do not eat’
inno:- ‘they do not say’
a:yo:- ‘they do not become’
wa:wo:- ‘they do not come’
ke:yo:- ‘they do not call’
7.10. Uninflected Forms
7.10.1. Adverbial Participle Present
       Present adverbial participles are formed by adding -cok to the verb stem which indicate the completion of an action and give the meanings of ‘saying, eating’, etc. The suffix has two phonologically conditioned allomorphs -jok and -sok.
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