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7.9. Pronominal Suffixes
7.9.1. First Person Singular
       The first singular suffix -an occurs after the present indicative suffix. The suffix -a:n occurs elswhere. After o: it becomes -n.
nan: ti:hinan ‘I eat’
nana: ma:hinan ‘I live’
nana: wa:rinan ‘I sing’
nana: ki:ki:n ‘I will do’
nan: mu:ynda:n ‘I used to bathe’
nana: wa:wo:n ‘I don’t come’
7.9.2. First Person Plural
       First person plural suffix -om, which occurs after the present indicative suffix. The allomorph o:m occurs elsewhere.
After o:, the intial vowel of o:m is lost.
pu:hnom ‘we know’
hatto:m ‘we went’
punda:ko:m ‘we will know’
ke:wo:m ‘we don’t know’
mando:m ‘we used to live’
tinjimattoro:m ‘we had eaten’
7.9.3 Second Person Singular
       Second person singular suffix is i:n. The final nasal of this suffix is optionally dropped.
ai-i:/ak-i:n ‘you will cook’
itt-i:/itt-i:n ‘you said’
hanw-i:/hanw-i:n ‘you don’t go’
tinton-i:/tinton-i:n ‘your are eating’
injimatton-i:/injimatton-i:n ‘yor have said’
7.9.4. Second Person Plural
       Second person plural suffix is i:r. The suffix - occurs in the place of -r optionally.
ti:hin-i:r/ti:hin/i: ‘you eat’
titt-i:r/titt-i: ‘you ate’
tinda:k-i:r/tinda:k-i: ‘you used to eat’
tinw-i:r/tinw-i: ‘you do not eat’
tintor-i:r/tintor-i: ‘you are eating’
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