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       It is also interesting to note that the durative aspect is also indicated by the auxiliary verb man ‘to be’. When the present tense form of auxiliary is added to the present adverbial participle it indicates present durative sense.
nana: tinjok ma:hinan ‘I am eating’
mi: tinjok ma:hini:r ‘you are eating’
ad tinjok ma:hinta: ‘it/she is eating’
       When the past form of the auxiliary man ‘to be’ is added to the past adverbial participle it means past or non-past durative aspect or past perfective.
nannna: inji: mata:n ‘I had told/
I was telling/
I shall be telling’
ma: hanji: mato:m ‘we had gone/
we were going/
we shall be going’
wo:r husi: mato:r ‘they had seen/
they were seeing/
they shall be seeing’
       The process of verb stem inflection discussed in the foregoing pages is presnted below in the form of a diagram.
Verbal Inflection
Presnt suffix PE1 1. Presnt tense
Past Suffix PE2 2.Past tense
Future suffix PE3 3.Future tense
Habitual Suffix PE4 4. Habitual tense
Negative PE5 5. Negative
Prhibitive---suffix Pl. 6. Prohibitive
Imperative-- suffix Pl. 7. Prohibitive
Past suffix Conditional suffix 8. Present conditional
Past perfective Conditionalsuffix 9. Pastconditional
Negative suffix Conditional suffix 10. Contrafactual conditional
Durative PE6 11. Present durative
Past suffix Durative suffix PE6 12. Past durative
Future suffix Durative suffix PE6 13. Future durative
Past adverbial suffix Aux Durative- PE7 14. Past perfective
Present Aux adverbial suffix Durative PE7 15. Imperfective
Infinitive suffix 16. Present infinitive
Infinitive suffix aux 17. Infinitive as optative
Verbal suffix Aux PE 18. Obligative
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