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1.2.2. /e/ is a higher-mid front unrounded vowel. This has an allophone [] which is a higher-mid central unrounded retroflexed vowel. The distribution of [] and [e] is as follows:



  [] occurs in syllables whose onset and offset are consonants :
[p'] ‘snake’
[t] ‘ten’
sen [sn] ‘money’
  [e] occurs elsewhere :
entok [endk] ‘throw away’
ensi [enši] ‘spill (liquid)’
mecà [mec] ‘ant’
tení [tení] ‘nose’
  In the initial position [e] is preceded by a weak palatal glide and may be transcribed as [].
  1.2.3. // is a high back unrounded vowel. It occurs medially and finally :
s [s] ‘wood’
ck [tsk] ‘fall off’
zl [zl] ‘write’
k [k] ‘my’
tes [tes] ‘last’
  1.2.4. /a/ is a low back unrounded vowel. This has an allophone , which is a lower-mid back unrounded vowel.
    occurs in all positions when accompanied by the falling tone :
àu [u] ‘come’
àó [] ‘see, find’
[w] ‘go (imperative)’
[k] ‘have’
maà [ma] ‘fly’
asà [as] ‘chirp (as birds)’
  [a] occurs elsewhere :
ák [ák] ‘pig’
ápu? [ábu?] ‘borrow’
[pá] ‘his’
[tá] ‘intestine’
[pá] ‘he’
[pá] ‘you (sg.)’
atu [adu] ‘dig (a hole)’
tasi [taši] ‘spoil, become over-ripe’
aa [aa] ‘some disease
  1.2.5. /u/ is a high back rounded vowel. It occurs in all the positions :
upá [ubá] ‘father’
únc [un] ‘essence’
mucá [mucá] ‘soak’
túc [tú] ‘oil’
temu [temu] ‘cream’
ápu [ábu] ‘ladder’
  1.2.6. /o/ is a higher-mid back rounded vowel. It has two allophones [o] and [] which is a lower-mid back rounded vowel. [] occurs in all positions when preceded or followed by velar consonants :
oko [k] ‘maternal uncle’
oktok [ktk] ‘wipe off’
no [n] ‘on’
ko [k] ‘where’
àó [] ‘see, find’
tàcó [tc] ‘good’
  [o] occurs elsewhere :
óset [óst] ‘something’
oak [oak] ‘wild cock’
onok [onk] ‘we’
mopù [mobù] ‘air, wind’
tanó [tanó] ‘boy’
àó [wó] ‘go’
naó [naó] ‘flower’
o [sùo] ‘cook’
  The initial [o] is preceded by a weak labial glide and may be transcribed as [].







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