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     The case marker is added to the whole noun phrase. Consequently in the linear sequence the case marker is found added to the last attribute, if there is one.
                         àz                                                                          ‘dog’
                         àz              nui                                                       ‘from dog’
                         dog              from
                         kí                tu?lu                tem                                  ‘big houses’
                         house          big                   (pl)
                         kí                 tu?lu               tem          atema                ‘for big houses’
                         house           big                  (pl)           for
                         kí                 tu?lu               té                               ‘ten big houses
                         house            big                 ten
                         kí                 tu?lu               té         nui                   ‘from ten big houses’
                         house           big                  ten          from
                         kí                 tu?lu               aná            ci                   ‘the two big houses’
                         house           big                  two           the
                         kí                 tu?lu               aná            ci      nu        ‘in the two big houses’
                         house           big                  to              the    in
                         kí                 tàcó              tem                                 ‘good houses’
                         house           good                (pl)
                         kí                  tu?lu              tem            ci      nu        ‘in the good houses’
                         house            big                 (pl)            the    in
                         kí                  tàcó            áyka                                 ‘many good houses’
                         house            good              many
                         kí                  tàcó            áyka            nui            ‘from many good houses’
                         house            good              many           from
     7.1.2. Attribute + Noun : The attribute that precedes the noun is always a noun or a genitive (for genitives see section 7.1.4. below) or a demonstrative. The order of the attribute preceding the noun is :
                               +   Dem     +     Gen    +    N  +  N   
     The Demonstrative adjective is composed of a third person pronoun and a deictic marker, gender number marker which occurs in different places in relation to the head noun. The gender-number marker, i.e., the third person pronoun precedes the noun like the noun in attributive relation and the deictic marker follows the noun like the article.
                   N + N :
                         ló                                  kí                                     ‘stone house’
                         stone                              house
                   Gen + N :
                         k                                 kí                                     ‘my house’
                         my                                 house
                    Dem + N :
                         ipá                                  áz ci                              ‘that dog’
                        (III P. sg.) dog dem (remote)
                         ipá                                  nisó           tàcó ya         ‘this good man’
                        (III P. sg.) person good dem (prox)
                         item                                 kí               ci                   ‘those houses’
                        (III P. pl.) house dem (rem)
     Note that when the demonstrative is present the plural marker occurs in the gender-number marker, (i.e., the third person pronoun) and not with the head noun.
There are noun phrases where the attributes follow as well as precede the noun.
     k   ló      kí       tu?lu tem                             ‘my big stone houses’
     my   stone  house  big   (pl)
     k   ló      kí       tu?lu aná                             ‘my two big stone houses’
     my   stone  house  big   two
      k  ló      kí       tàcó ákya                          ‘my many good stone houses’
      my  stone  house  good  many





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