Download AO Grammar Book Quantifiers :

The quantifiers in Ao are : /ka/ ‘some’ and /áyka/ ‘many’

nisó ka ‘some persons’
person some  
nisó áyka ‘many persons/people’
person many  
     The plural marker /-tem/ may optionally occur after the noun when /ka/ or /áyka/ occurs as with numerals.
nisó tem ka       ‘some persons’
 2.3. Numerals :
     Numerals form a special sub-class of nouns. The basic numerals denoting the numbers from one to ten and twenty, fifty and hundred are monomorphic. The other numerals are derived from compounding these basic numerals. The basic numerals are given below :
‘one’ aná ‘two’
asem  ‘three’ pez ‘four’
puu ‘five’ tok ‘six’
tent ‘seven’ ‘eight’
tokó  ‘nine’ ‘ten’
mec  ‘twenty’ tenem ‘fifty’
nokla ‘hundred’    
     The numbers from eleven to nineteen are formed by adding the basic numerals from one to nine after /té/ ‘ten’.
‘eleven’ aná ‘twelve
asem ‘thirteen’ pez ‘fourteen’
puu ‘fifteen’ tok ‘sixteen’
tenet ‘seventeen’ ‘eighteen’
tokó ‘nineteen’    
     The multiples of tens upto ninety except twenty and fifty are formed by adding the alomorph /é/ of the morpheme /té/ ‘ten’ after the basic numerals.
semé ‘thirty’ liyé ‘forty’
oké   ‘sixty’ neté ‘seventy’
tíyé  ‘eighty’ tokó ‘ninety’
     When the allomorph /-é/ is added to the primary numerals the following morphophonemic changes take place.
    a)   The first syllable of /asem/ ‘three’ and /tenet/ ‘seven’ are dropped.
    b)   The first consonant of /tok/ ‘six’ is dropped.
    c)   The numeral /pez/ ‘four’ has /li-/ as the stem variant.
    d)   The initial vowel of /é/ is dropped when it is added to the numeral /tokó/ ‘nine’
          ending  in a    back vowel.
    e)   The glide /y/ is inserted when the basic numeral ends in a front vowel as in /lié/
          ‘sixty’ and /tíyé/ ‘eighty’.
         The thirtyone and fortyone etc., are formed by adding the basic numerals one to nine.
semé  ‘thirty’ liyé ‘forty’
semé ‘thirtyone’  liyé ‘fortyone’
seméaná ‘thirtytwo’ liyéaná ‘fortytwo,





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