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2.2.5. Demonstrative Pronouns :
     The demonstratives in Ao are formed by adding the demonstrative marker to the pronouns of human masculine, human feminine and non-human gender. The demonstrative markers are /ya/ and /ci/. The former refers to persons or things which are very near to the participants during the speech act or known to the listener even if he or she is not present during the speech act. The latter refers to persons or things that are far away. The former can be called the proximate demonstrative and the latter remote demonstrative.



pá-ya ‘this is he’ pá-ci ‘that is he’
he this he that
lá-ya ‘this is she’ lá-ci ‘that is she’
she this she that
ipá-ya ‘this is it’ ipá-ci ‘that is it’
it this it that
panok-ya ‘they are panok-ci ‘they are
they this (hum)’ they that (hum)’
item-ya ‘they are item-ci ‘they are
they this (non-hum)’ they that (non-hum)’
     The demonstrative adjective is formed by adding the demonstrative marker after the head noun. The pronoun preceding the head noun gives the gender-number of the head noun. Thus each demonstrative adjective phrase is marked for the gender-number of the head noun.
pá nisó ci ‘that person’
ipá áz ya ‘this dog’
ipá kí ci ‘that house’
item kí ci ‘those houses’
item ló ya ‘these stones’
The demonstrative adverbs of place and time are as follows :
yai ‘here’ ci  ‘there’
‘now’ itakci
    itaci   ‘then’
2.2.6. Interrogative Pronouns :
The interrogative pronouns found in Ao are :
sipa ‘who ?’ siyenok   ‘who (pl.)?’
kci ‘what?’ kuta  ‘how?’
kupa ‘which?’ ko~ku   ‘where?’
kuta ‘when?’ kcipa   ‘why?’
     It is possible to segment /ku/ in the above forms as the interrogative marker. However, /k/ occurs with /kci/ ‘what’ and /si/ with /sipa/ ‘who’. The Article :
     There are two articles, /ci/ the definite article equivalent to the English ‘the’ and /ká/ the indefinite article equivalent to the English ‘a’ in Ao. The definite article is the same as the remote demonstrative and the indefinite article is same as the numeral one. They are free forms. They follow the noun like the adjective. It is the last item in the surface order of the noun phrase.
nisó-ci ‘the person/people’
person the  
nió-tem-ci ‘the persons’
person pl. the  
nisó -tàcó-tem-ci ‘the good persons’
person-good pl. the  
kakèt-ká ‘a book’
book a  
kakèt tàcó-ká ‘a good book’
book good a  





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