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imsa ‘to melt’ ti-y-imsa ‘do not melt’
imla ‘to expect’ mi-y-imla ‘not to expect’
usi ‘to load’ mu-w-usi ‘not to load’
ulu ‘to excel’ tu-w-ulu ‘do not excel’
au ‘to come’ au-y-a-li-y-as ‘was coming’
aci ‘to eat’ aci-y-a-li-y-as ‘was eating’
àwa ‘to swim’ àwa-w-oko ‘had swam’
o ‘to cook’ o-w-oko ‘had cooked’
      Even though there are sequences of identical vowels in the above examples, one of the identical vowels is not deleted by the Identical Vowel Deletion Rule. This is because one of the two vowels was not identical basically and because identical by the Vowel Assimilation Rule or by the Free Variation Rule. This rule operates after the Identical Vowel Deletion Rule.
For example :
               te+imsaàti+imsaà ti-y-imsa                        (by vowel assimilation)
               sòo+ukoào+okoà-w-oko              (by free variation)
1.7.5. Semi Vowel Rule :
The vowel /i/ becomes the semi-vowel /y/ after /o/.
                pá+iàpáy                  ‘he (nom)’
                lá+iàláy                    ‘she (nom)’
                ipá+iàipáy                 ‘toit’ 

2. Noun Morphology

2.1. General Remarks : 
      A simple word may be defined as ‘any sequence of phonemes of a given language which belongs to a class of unlimited membership, and which is not analyzable intoa combination containing a shorter sequence belonging to a class of unlimited membership. This means that ‘morphologically, a word may contain the root alone or a root plus one or more affixes.
      Based on the above definition of Pittman the words in Ao may be classified into five categories, viz., nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. However, there are functional morphemes like determiners, conjunctives and post positions in Ao which must also be considered as words even though they belong to a class of limited membership because they are free forms in the sense that they are written separately in Ao by the native speakers unlike other morphemes like tense suffixes, which are bound forms.
     The morphological processes found in a simple word, are prefixation, suffixation and reduplication of syllables. Of these, suffixation is the most frequent process. The general morphophonemic changes that take place during these processes have already been dealt with (see section 1.7.). They are given in this

3. Richard S. Pittman : ‘On Defining Morphology and Syntax’ International Journal of AmericanLinguistics, Vol, XXV, No.3, July 1959.

4. Biligiri, H.S. : Kharia, Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute,Poona, 1965 (P.35). chapter also when discussing the allomorphs for the case of reference.






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