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This dissertation presents a description of Yerava based on Paniya Yerava speech, following the Neo Bloomfieldian model. Another and in all probability the only other, section of Yerava, with adistinct speech of its own is Panjiri Yerava. Both the sections of Yeravas are in Kodagu, Karnalaka.
The first chapter on Ethnography has twelve sections in which the geographical description of area where Yeravas are living, the groups and sub-groups of Yerava, the name of the tribe, the origin and migration, population and distribution, somatoscopic observations, anll1Iopometric measurement, and racial affinity are described. Thc family descent, kinship, thc naming pattern and material culture like house, dress, daily routine, entertainment are identified and described. In the section on life cycle, birth, puberty, marriage and death are explained along with some of the rituals connected with these ceremonies. The final section of this chapter discusses language, folk literature, bilingualism, literacy and communication pattern among Yeravas.
The second chapter on Phonology presents the phonemic inventory of vowels, consonants and supra-segmentals with phonemic contracts and their distribution; all these contrasts and their distribution are illustrated. The other part of thc chapter deals with Yerava phonolactics which includes types of clusters and types of syllables. In case of clusters, bolh identical and non-identical clusters are classified and illustrated. The description of Yerava syllable system presented here describes the initial medial and final syllable types. The different types of syllabic structure are explained willl examples.
The third chapter on Morphophonemics givcs formule formulated and ordered to illustrate the morphophonemic changes taking place while the morphs juxtapose. Each formula is given a number. The same number is given in parenthesis in the other parts of the thesis to enable cross reference.
The fourth chapter on Noun Morphology is divided into ten sections. The first section presents an outline of the general classification of Yerava stems and the second section presents classification of noun stems. The simple, derived and compound nouns are described in the next three sections. The sixth section deals with the inflection of nouns for gender and number. Thc eighth section identifies the case markers, and the eleven cases identified are illustrated. The ninth section of this chapter describes personal and derived pronouns. Thc last and the tenth section describes the cardinal and ordinal numerals along with formation of numerals of higher order and numeral stem alternants.
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