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As an Institute under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, Government of India, the Central Institute of Indian Languages is charged with the responsibility of serving as a nucleus to bring together all the research and application work done on various Indian languages to a common purpose and to narrow the gap between the basic research and applicational research in the field of languages and linguistics in India. In order to achieve this goal the Institute brings out rescarch monographs, instructional materials, maps audio visual materials computer softwares, etc., as part of its publication programme.

Ph.D. theses arc one of die sources of new knowledge. Most of these theses however do not get wider dissemination. Several important findings made in the Ph.D. dissertations do not reach other investigators resulting in duplication and lack of progress in research.

The CIIL, charged with the development of Indian languages has also the responsibility of dissemination of research on India languages.

With these objectives the CIIL is introducing a new scries of publications called Doctoral Dissertation Series. It intends to publish doctoral research work of high quality in linguistics and related fields, which has direct relevance to the research, material production and training programmes of the Institute. This will be very selective and limited in number.

The present book, A Descriptive Analysis of Yerava, describes in detail the phonology and morphology of the Yerava language, also gives a brief ethnographic description of the community and discusses the place of Yerava in the Dravidian family. This study adds to the current knowledge about Dravidian languages.

I hope that this dissertation will stimulate further research in the area and will be useful for applicational work for the development of Indian languages.




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