na:nu pu:vune ua:kinje
1 2 3 |
‘I dry the flower’
1 3 2 |
moe pai aeca
1 2 3 |
‘The boy closed the door’
1 3 2 |
(xi) Causative sentences |
When an action is caused through an agent, the causative case -koa is added to the agent noun. The main verb is inflected with the causative suffix -pi-which is obligatory in all causative constructions. If the action is caused by the 'self', the causative case marker does not appear. |
na:nu avenekou kallune poipikinje
1 2 3 4 |
‘I get the stone broken by him’
1 3 4 2 |
na:nu avenekou baine muriyipikinje
1 2 3 4 |
‘I get the stick broken by him’
1 3 4 2 |
na:nu avenekou pu:vune ua:kipikinje
1 2 3 4 |
‘I get the flower dried by him’
1 3 4 2 |