These sentences indicate the commands or requests.
(ni:yu) avene pui
1 2 3
'(You) catch him’
1 3 2
(ni:nga) oa:vuku bari
1 2 3
'(You) come in’
1 3 2
(ni:nga) baylu koyyumi
1 2 3
'(You) cut the crop’
1 3 2
amaya, ni:yu puene naatuta
1 2 3 4
'Samaya (Mas), you make the child walk’
1 2 3 4
kembi, ni:yu avena ka:lune puitama
1 2 3 4 5
'Kembi (Fem), you hold his leg’
1 2 5 3 4
(viii)Intransitive sentences
This type of sentences have an intransitive verb in their predicate. It may be transitivizable intransitive verb or it may be nontransitivizable intransitive verb.