7. |
Locative noun phrase |
ti:minikeli bo i u a
1 2 3 |
'Glow-worm has light'
1 3 2 |
na:nu bo:re u:rili pa i ce-yinje
1 2 3 4 5 |
'I work in the different village'
1 4-5 |
8. |
Causative noun phrase |
a: man aneko u pa i turapice
1 2 3 4 |
'Got the door opened by that man'
3 4 1 2 |
kariyaneko u a:nene kollipikinje
1 2 3 |
'Got the elephant killed by Kariya'
2 3 1 |
9. |
Purposive noun phrase |
na:yuka:yicu bella ko bande
1 2 3 |
'Got the jaggery for the sake of dog'
3 2 1 |
be:ranga:yicu u: eku bande
1 2 3 |
'Came here for the sake of Byra'
3 2 1 |
10. |
Sociative noun phrase |
appenaku: a ma ike:riku po:
1 2 3 |
'Go to Mercara with father'
3 2 1 |