kui |
‘to bathe’ |
pite |
‘to cover’ |
muri |
‘to cut the mutton’ |
aye-c-e |
> |
ayece |
‘I sent’ |
ure-c-e |
> |
urece |
‘I smeared’ |
bui-c-e |
> |
buice |
‘I called’ |
Sub-class 2 |
The verbs belonging to this sub-class are non-transitivizable intransitives. |
ai |
‘(air) to blow” |
ie |
‘to sit’ |
uti |
‘to rise’ |
kure |
‘to bark’ |
bure |
’to shiver’ |
iri |
‘to laugh’ |
kure-c-a |
> |
kureca |
‘it barked’ |
kodi-c-a |
> |
kodica |
‘it boiled’ |
cume-c-e |
> |
cumece |
‘I coughed’ |
Sub-class 3 |
The verbs belonging to this sub-class are derived transitives. |
They are further grouped into three groups according to the transitivizer they have taken. |
(i) Verbs taking -i- transitivizer. |
tumbi |
‘to fill’ |
ma:ri |
‘to heal’ |