number markers of the past tense as suffixes suffixed to verb stem. And in order to derive the analytical negative sentences, in non-past negation -e-ka: i is suffixed to the present stem and in-case of past negation -ka: i is suffixed to the infinitive stem of the verb. But Malayalam uses -illa in similar negation. In order to indicate the negation of existance of an object etc., indicated by a noun, like Malayalam Yerava also uses alla. |
Conclusion |
Two important criteria to decide a speech form as a dialect of a language or as an independent language are |
(i) |
similarities and differences in linguistic features and their patterns of distribution and use of both speeches under consideration and |
(ii) |
their mutual intelligibility. |
Since the present investigator has identified several linguistic differences that form the cause of mutual unintelligibility, he tentatively concludes that Yerava is an independent speech from Malayalam, within the South Dravidian. Additional research is, however, required. |
Scope for further research |
A detailed analysis of the Panjiri Yerava speech. |
A comparison of Paniya Yerava and Panjiri Yerava speech. |
Study of both or each one of the Yerava in the historical perspective to find out the place of Yerava in the Dravidian family of languages. |
Inter-tribal and intra-tribal communication pattern. |