4.10.2 Ordinal numerals |
Ordinal numerals are formed in Yerava by suffixing -ene to the cardinal numeral. |
onj-ene |
> |
onjene |
‘first’ |
ira:-ene |
> |
ira:ene |
‘second’ |
mu:nj-ene |
> |
mu:njene |
‘third’ |
na:l-ene |
> |
na:lene |
‘fourth’ |
anj-ene |
> |
anjene |
‘fifth’ |
a:r-ene |
> |
a:rene |
‘sixth’ |
e:y-ene |
> |
e:yene |
‘seventh’ |
e-ene |
> |
eene |
‘eighth’ |
oymbad-ene |
> |
oymbadene |
‘ninth’ |
patt-ene |
> |
pattene |
‘tenth’ |
nu:r-ene |
> |
nu:rene |
‘hundredth’ |
4.10.3 Numeral stem alternants |
{onju} ondu, oru, onju ‘one’ |
ondu occurs after the alternant of ten, pan- |
pan-ondu |
(R. 16) |
pannondu |
‘eleven’ |
oru occurs before the nouns and singular masculine and feminine noun derivatives. |
oru-te |
> |
orute |
‘one man’ |
oru-ti |
> |
oruti |
‘one woman’ |
oru mage |
‘one son’ |
oru paryu |
‘one mat’ |