In Yerava 11 short vowel phones, 7 long vowel phones, 23 consonant phones and 6 suprasegmental phones are identified. Among the 11 short vowel phones, 4 are front unrounded, 3 are central unrounded and 4 are back rounded. And out the 7 long vowel phones, 3 are front rounded, one is central unrounded and 3 are back rounded. Among the 23 consonant tones, 10 are stops, one is a fricative, one is an affricate, 6 are nasals, 2 are laterals, one is a trill and 2 are semi vowels. And out of the 6 suprasegmental phones, 3 are junctures and another three are terminal contours. |
Through phonemicization, 36 phonemes are arrived , Out of these phonemes, 10 are vowels—5 short and 5 long, are consonants—10 stops, one affricate, 4 nasals, 2 laterals, one trill, 2 semivowels, and 6 suprasegmentals—3 juncture and terminal contours. |
In Yerava phonology it is to be noted that a gap exists in the affricate slot; only a voiceless affricate is present and the voiced affricate is conspicuous by its absence. |
In some of the frequent words like /ku i/ 'drink', in the speech of all the informants, the voiceless l l and voiced / /, retroflex stops which have a phonemic status are in free variation. The frequency of occurrence of bilabial voiced stop /b/, apico-dental voiced stop /d/, palatal voiced stop /j/ and velar voiced stop /g/ in word initial position is comparatively less when compared to the occurrence of their voiceless counterparts. |
2.2 Phonetic chart |
2.2.1 Segmentals |
Short vowels |
Unrounded |
Unrounded |
High |
i |
u |
Lower-high |
U |
Higher-mid |
e |
o |
Mean-mid |
á |
Lower-mid |
E |
O |
Higher-low |
A |
Low |
a |
Long vowels |
High |
i: |
u: |
Higher-mid |
e: |
o: |
Lower-mid |
E: |
O: |
Low |
a: |