1.2.4 Yeravas as slaves |
The recored history of Yeravas by Connor (1870) Richter (1887) and File No. IB:1834, indicates Yeravas as slaves, i.e., praedial slaves attached to the land. It is also indicated that "their bondage must either have been originally derived from voluntary, submission on their part to become slaves of cultivators, in order to obtain a livelihood; or that cultivators purchased free persons for the purpose of assisting them in their cultivation at cheap rates (File No. 18:1834)". They were considered lowest in the social hierarchy. They were also owned like land by the cultivators. They were sold when the land was sold, transferred along with the property to the new owner. The owners encouraged the marriage of young slave man, to acquire an additional hand for work. None of the slaves was paid. Some clothing and some food were given.
In 1817, an young Yerava capable man was valued at 7 pagodas. In 1834, a Paniya Yerava or a Panjiri Yerava couple was valued at 6 Canteroi pagodas. |
1.2.5 Yerava population |
The Yerava tribe is recorded as a distinct group even from the first Census of India in 1871. The following is the population variation and numerical strength of the tribe since upto 1971, in hundred years. |
Year |
Total |
Male |
Female |
1871 |
. . . . . |
11,148 |
5,926 |
5,222 |
1881 |
. . . . . |
13,885 |
7,214 |
6,641 |
1891 |
. . . . . |
14,209 |
7,376 |
6,833 |
1901 |
. . . . . |
14,586 |
7,510 |
7.076 |
1911 |
. . . . . |
15,338 |
7,918 |
7,420 |
1921 |
. . . . . |
14,008 |
7,312 |
6,696 |
1931 |
. . . . . |
12,810 |
6,763 |
6,047 |
1941 |
. . . . . |
12,674 |
6,724 |
5,950 |
1961 |
. . . . . |
14,927 |
7,690 |
7,237 |
1971 |
. . . . . |
13,743 |
7,087 |
6,656 |
In all the above years, the male population has outnumbered the female population. Note the insignificant increase in the population. |
In the 1871 and 1891 Census the information on group population is also available. According to 1871 Census Panjiri Yeravas are 10,516 and Paniya Yeravas are 632. But as per 1891 Census Paniya Yeravas are 10,003 an.d Panjiri Yeravas are 3,345. Note the inconsistency and/or the dilemma of the Census enumerators. |