Once they lift the body from the spot, the a: a i 'the Patiiya Yerava priest' would go around the house of the dead person pouring rice Me asks the demons not to enter the house after the dead body is taken away. A few women also go with the I dead body. The a: a i accompanies them. When they reach the spot, a pit appropriate to the size of the dead body is dug (Mid the body is placed in the pit. The head of the body will be towards Kodagu and the legs to the Waynad. The body will be kept in sleeping posture sidewards. The face will be towards West. The Panjiri Yeravas also keep the body in the pit in the sleeping posture but the head will be kept towards Waynad. legs towards Kodagu and face will be towards East. And in Panjiri Yeravas. the women do not go to the burial ground. From house they go nearly 200 yards along with the dead body and pour a little water into the mouth of the dead and return home. All the people would throw water and soil and close the pit andreturn home after taking a bath.
In Panjiri Yeravas the karimi (I) digs the grave and does all the work connected with burial. If a pregnant woman dies, the foetus is removed by karimi (1) by cutting the womb and both mother and the foetus are buried in the same pit. |
Yeravas normally bury the dead. But under the circumstances of unnatural death, such as death by falling from the tree, by bullet-hit, by elephant, by tiger attack, by snake bite, etc.. they burn the body in the forest. |
In Paniya Yeravas, there are two ceremonies immediately connected with death. One is on the seventh day of the death, named ka:kepile and the other one is on the eleventh day of the death, named baliyainlc. The death pollution lasts for 11 days only. It is assumed that the dead person would be returning to earth as a small boy on ka:kepile day and as an elder on baliya pile day. |
On the ka:kepile day, a small pandal is erected in front of the dead man's house. The a: a i would tie coraga 'a small bundle of items connected with the death rituals' to the pandal—one coraga for the people who died long ago payage coraga and the podiye coraga for the one who died recently. The women having their periods should not enter the pandal. |
For Panjiri Yeravas, the pollution caused by death lasts for 11 days and people affected are the family members. The wife of the dead' person wears a white saree from the day of death until the llth day ceremony. The kunjukare is the person who looks after the arrangements for this day. On the 11th day ka ala: i sings the mourning song in memory of the dead. The present investigator did not have a chance to listen to the song. This informant ka ala: i declined to recite, since such a recitation is seen as a bad omen. |