On the marriage day, ka a a 'marriage' takes place for bride and bride groom at their respective residences. After the completion of the marriage at groom's house, the people from the groom's side go to the village of the bride along with the groom. Normally. the journey takes place in the night. The Panjiri Yeravas would hold potte 'locally made torch' in their hands and are led by ka ala:di
They sit out side the village. The bride's party receives them and takes them to the bride's house. A feast is arranged for all. In Panjiri Yeravas after the marriage ceremony, the ka ala:di sings the second part of the o:ba:ne pa: u and after the meal the both ammaka:rera of both bride and groom hold their hands and make them to cross the marriage pandal.
On the next day of ka ala, both the bride and bride groom are brought to the village of the bride groom. The bride is taken to the to:du 'stream' to perform puuja to the water. She carries a pot of water on her head from there up to a banana plant, pours it there and bows. Now she is allowed to enter the house of the groom. The nuptial is celebrated at groom's place. The next day. bride, groom and some others go to the bride's house and stay there for a day or two and return. Then onwards their married life begins. |
One important aspect of marriage, of which now only relics are found among Yeravas. is that of na:ya ma: inje. When the marriage ceremony goes on. or before the ceremony begins or immediately after the ceremony, if any mistake or misuse of words is committed by any body from either side, the na:ya begins after the marriage but before the feast. None of the people would go for food before the na.ya is completed. The elders assemble, and start discussing the mistake that has taken place. Some times, it is said that it takes seven to nine hours to settle the dispute. At last when an agreeable solution is found out. the concerned would pay aypuye 'fine' as decided by the elders and take an oath that the mistake would not be repeated; then all will dine. At present an Yerava marriage costs for the bride's people around Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 and for groom's side Rs. 150 to Rs. 200. Throughout the marriage ceremony, the marriage tune can be heard from Yerava musical instruments. |
The Paniya Yerava married women wear ka:lu-mo:dira in the second finger in both the legs. These rings are made out of silver. The Panjiri Yerava married women wear ka:lupilli in the middle finger in both the legs. These rings are also made out o f silver. |
The marriage by selection |
In this type of marriage, some times, the parents of the boy ask him to go and search a bride for himself. He goes in search of her, once he finds a girl suitable for him and desires to marry her,
the boy starts wooing her. In order to do so, he collects a big bundle of fire wood from the forest for her house. He offers her betel leaves to attract her. The parents of the girl would feed him. In a way he would be assisting their family. Once a mutual understanding takes place between the boy, the bride and her parents, he would return to his parents and inform them about his search. Then his parents would contact her parents and arrange the marriage. |