amme |
‘mother’ |
aye |
‘to send’ |
aypuye |
'fine’ |
ayyu |
‘to become black by burning’ |
ari |
‘to know’ |
ari |
'rice' |
ari mua:vu |
'pepper' |
are |
‘waist’ |
are kalle |
‘thread around the waist’ |
aruva |
‘sickle used for paddy cutting’ |
are |
‘alligator’ |
ale |
‘to wash the cloths’ |
ave |
‘he, it (Remo)’ |
aa |
‘to measure’ |
a: |
‘that, those’ |
a:ku |
‘to become’ |
a:gu |
‘to become’ |
a:gata |
‘bad’ |
a:tela |
‘but’ |
a:ne |
‘elephant’ |
a:ai |
‘priest’ |
a:a |
‘game’ |
a:aka:rati |
‘player’ (Fern) |
a:aka:re |
‘player’(Mas) |
a:u |
‘to shake’ |
a:e |
‘alright’ |
a:u |
‘to scare away the cattle’ |
a:u |
‘to shake’ |
a:u |
‘play’ |
a:e |
‘there’ |
a:e |
‘like that’ |
a:i |
‘mango seed’ |
a:muu |
‘castor’ |
a:muee |
‘castor oil’ |
a:yari |
‘carpenter’ |
a:yira |
‘thousand’ |
a:ru |
‘six’ |
a:vi |
‘to desire’ |