olaga |
‘world’ |
o i |
‘hide’ |
o e |
‘bark’ (V) |
o a:Ru |
‘blabber’ |
orukae vey |
‘to put on one side’ |
oRutte |
‘alone’ |
oyaRu kambi |
‘wire’ |
o: |
o: e |
‘hole’ |
o: e va:yä |
‘old man without teeth’ |
o: e va:y |
‘teethless mouth’ |
o: u |
‘tile’, ‘run’ |
o: u ku:re |
‘tiled house’ |
o:sida |
‘something’ |
o:lingä: |
‘Linga:’ (voc.) |
o:le |
‘palm leaf’ |
o:le ku:re |
‘house thatched with palm leaves’ |
o:ra |
‘side’ |
o:Rakka |
‘tomorrow’ |
u |
uppinaka:y |
‘pickle’ |
uppu |
‘salt’ |
uppu dä:sike |
‘salt is more’ |
ubasa |
‘asthma’ |
ubbaca |
‘deep sigh’ |
udda |
‘height’, ‘top’ |
udda: i |
‘surface’ |
u ukku |
‘a small drum’ |
ukku |
‘strip’ |
ugguru |
‘nail’ |
ucci |
‘the crown of the head’ |
ujju |
‘clean’, ‘wash’ |
usa:ru |
‘warn’, alert’ |
usungu |
‘move’ |