i |
ippu |
‘now’ |
ibbeni |
‘due’ |
idikke |
‘here’ |
idu |
‘it’ |
i i |
‘spear’, ‘rose wood tree’ |
i li |
‘rice cake’ |
i igekallu |
‘brick’ |
is a |
‘likeness’ |
imbi |
‘lemon’ |
imbi pu i |
‘lemon juice’ |
imbi ka:yi |
‘lemon fruit’ |
immi i |
‘heel’ |
inji |
‘raw ginger’ |
innaki a |
‘till now’ |
inRu |
‘today’ |
i u |
‘squeeze’ ‘extract’ |
illiyoo |
‘is it not so’ |
ille |
‘no’ |
iru |
‘be’ |
irudda:mu |
‘even then’ |
iru aru |
‘Irula tribe’ |
iruvada:yira |
‘twenty thousand’ |
iRukku |
‘become tight’, ‘hasten’ |
iRumbu |
‘steel’, ‘iron’ |
iva |
‘she’ (proximate) |
ivä |
‘he’ (proximate) |
i: |
i:ppi |
‘house fly’ |
i:ka e |
‘this side’ |
i:su pillu |
‘a variety of grass in which the broom stickis prepared’ |
i:su ma:Ru |
‘broom stick made out of grass’ |
i:nge |
‘here’ |
i:rugoli |
‘a wooden instrument to pickout lice from the hair’ |
i:ruva |
‘liver’ |