NP Loc. |
mä:li |
‘In the rain’ |
rain (Loc.) |
ba:vili |
‘In the well’ |
well (Loc.) |
mä:li po:gä |
‘He (is) going in the rain’ |
rain (Loc.) - go (P.T.) |
6.3.4 Verb phrase (VP.) |
A verb phrase in Urali consists of one or more verbs. Different types of verb phrases found in Urali are discussed below. | VP |
A single verb or a phrase constitutes a VP. |
vandä |
‘(he) came’ |
se:da |
‘(she) did’ |
vü:nde |
‘(I) fell’ | V Par. + V Par. + (V) |
la:ndu vanda |
‘Having measured she came’ |
measured (V. Par.) - came (P.T.) |
a:tti ku ittu vandä |
‘Having cooled (and) drank he came’ |
cooled (V.Par.) - drank (V. Par.) - came (P.T.) | A single verb can constitute a VP or it may be preceded by a noun or an adverb. | N + Vb |
avä vandä |
‘He came’ |
he - came (P.T.) |
ava vü:nda |
‘She fell’ |
she - fell (P.T.) | Adv. + Vb. |
jinamu na a kke:mu |
‘We (are) walking daily’ |
daily - walk (P.T.) |
a ikka i kė:kkiri |
‘You (pl.) listen often’ |
often - listen (P.T.) |