6.3.2 Adjectival phrase (Adj. P.) |
A phrase or group of words which function as an adjective are treated under this head. An adjectival phrase consists of an optional determiner (demonstrative), numeral, possessive, an optional quantitative adjective and a qualitative adjective or both preceded by an optional intensifier. Any one of those above mentioned grammatical categories or some of them together can constitute an adjectival phrase. An Adj. P. may also be constituted by NP followed by an adjectival post position (Adj. Po. P.). Following are some of the types of adjectival phrases used in Urali. | Dem. (+N) |
i: kappa |
‘this frog’ |
a:mari |
‘that fox’ | Dem. + Attri. (+N) |
idu nanna ku:re |
‘This (is) my house’ |
this - my - house |
adu ninna mu:nga |
‘That (is) your bamboo’ |
that - your - bamboo | Num. (+N) |
oru ku ä |
‘one lame man’ |
one - lame |
iru su:ri |
‘two knives’ | Num. (+ N + N) |
oru puli ku i |
‘one tiger cub’ |
iru mara kombu |
‘two tree branch (es)’ | Num. + Attri. (+N) |
oru pe kė: e |
‘one female wild goat’ | Attri. (+ N) |
nanna medde |
‘My bungalow’ |
ninna nellu |
‘Your paddy’ | Quant. Adj. (+ N) |
dėsike ju: u |
‘much heat’ |
kammi gobbaRa |
‘little manure’ | Qualt adj. (+ N) |
pa:ya jena:lu |
‘old window’ |
nalla ka u |
‘good toddy’ |