ii)bo ipillima:na a e ka a |
‘Boli saw a herd of spotted deer’ |
ka: ukkemarave uga:kkupo:na: i |
‘When (Boli) went to (the) forest in order to cut (the) tree’ |
iii)u:rugvü eammänepi ittä |
‘village elder caught (my) father’ |
ammäa anea itta: i |
‘When (my) father bet (the) brother | Conditional sentence |
The conditoinal sentences in Urali are expressed by the addition of the subordinate construction -a:kki (4.16.1) after the verb. |
i)puliyepa:tta:kkiavä na ungugä |
tiger (Acc) - see - if - he - shiver (P.T.) |
‘If he sees the tiger he will shiver’ |
ii)nammo: ukkuni:ka: ukkevanda:kki |
we (Soc.) - you (sg.) - forest (Dat.) come - if |
a:ve:lene se:gila |
that - work (Acc.) do - may |
‘If you come with us to the forest,may do that work’ |
iii)mara:ttiė:Rina:kkipammuchikkugadu |
tree (Loc.) - climb - if - fruit - get - will |
“If (you) climb the tree (you) will get the fruit’ |
Clause analysis |
In all the above mentioned complex sentences, the subordinate clause consists of a conditional element. |
i)avä na ungugä |
‘He shivers’ |
puliye pa:tta:kki |
‘If (he) sees (the) tiger’ |
ii)a: ve:lene se:gila |
‘(We) may do that work |
nammo: ukku ni:ka: ukke vanda:kki |
‘If you come to the forest with us’ |
iii) pammu cikkugadu |
‘(you) will get the fruit’ |
mara:tti ė:Rina:kki |
‘If (you) climb the tree’ |