Intrasitive2 (Intr2) which take the past tense marker -in-, but which can be made into transitive, and which can take the transitive marker -tt- |
ė:R-in-iri |
> |
ė:Riniri (Intr.) } |
} `(you pl.) climbed’ |
ė:R-tt-in-iri (5.3) |
> |
ė:ttiniri (Tr.) } |
a:R-in-ad |
> |
a:Rinadu (Intr.) } |
} ‘(you pl.) cooled’ |
a:R-tt-in-iri (5.3) |
> |
a:ttiniri (Tr.) } |
4.1.2. Class II |
The stems which take -nd- as the past tense marker belong to this class. | Inherent transitive |
ä a-nd-iri |
> |
ä andiri |
‘(you pl.) measured’ |
para-nd-an |
> |
parandä |
‘(he) searched’ |
puyi-nd-a |
> |
puyinda |
‘(she) squeezed’ |
tar-nd-iri (5.3) |
> |
tandiri |
‘(you pl.) gave’ |
juRi-nd-an |
> |
juRindä |
‘(he) sucked’ |
kaRa- |
‘milk’ |
la:- |
‘measure’ | Intransitives | Intransitive1 (Intr1) which cannot be made transitive. |
e:nd-a (5.23) |
> |
e:nda |
‘(she) got up’ |
u:r-nd-ad (5.3,19) |
> |
u:ndadu |
‘(it) crawled’ |
gcre-nd-ad (5.19) |
> |
gerendadu |
‘(it) made sound’ |
ve e-nd-ad (5.19) |
> |
ve endadu |
‘(it) riped’ |
var-nd-an (5.3,22) |
> |
vandä |
‘(he) came’ |
nege- |
‘leap, jump’ |
ne:l- |
‘hang’ |
no- |
‘felt pain’ | Intransitive2 (Intr2) |
Intransitive2 (Intr2) stems take the past tense marker -nd- when they are in the intransitive mood. These verbs can be made transitive and will take the transitive marker -t-. When they are in transitive mood, they take -in- as the past tense marker. |
na a-nd-an (5.22) |
> |
na andä (Intr.) } |
} ‘(he) walked’ |
na a-t-in-a (5.1,22) |
> |
na attinä (Tr.) } |