Maring and Liangmei. The Naga languages are spoken in the state
of Nagaland, the southern part of Arunachal Pradesh and the north-eastern
part of Manipur.
Characteristic features of the Naga languages include the modification
of the verb phrase by stringing together of affixes within the verb
phrase rather than by the use of independent adverb, making little
or no use of numeral classifiers and the sub-ordinate phrase preceding
the main phrase. The last usage according to Marrison derives from
the fact that in Naga languages there are two points of emphasis
in a sentence; the subject is stated in the beginning and the principal
action at the end rounding of the whole theme so that the subordinate
matters are placed in between. The Negative particle is post-posed
to the principal verb in most of the languages except the central
group. In fact, the position of the negative particle was the chief
criterion of Grierson in sub-dividing the Naga languages. The inherited
features include the use of tones, occurrence of the interrogative
particle at the end of the sentence and the NP->N± A±
PP± plural. Grierson subdivides the Naga languages into Western,
Central and eastern Naga languages: The western Naga includes, Angami,
Sema, Rengma, Kezha and some minor languages, the Central Naga includes
Ao, Lotha, Sangtam, Yimchungr* and some minor languages and the
Eastern Naga includes Konyak, Phom, Wancho, Chang, Nocte, Tangsa
and some minor languages, Marrison also sub-divides the Naga languages
into three but on a different criteria viz; occurrence of certain
initial clusters and final stops. His groupings are (i) Konyak group
(ii) Ao-Thangkhul group and Angami-Zeme group. Marrson (1967-Vol.
I-P. 20) also questions the validity of the setting up of the intermediate
transitional groups like Naga-Bodo and Naga-Kuki group. Sreedhar
(1975) also sub-grouped the Naga languages on the basis of the phonetic
pattern of the Naga Pidgin used by each group. In all these sub-groupings,
the Sema has the same position, viz: clubbed with Angami group.
important linguistic feature that distinguishes Sema language from
the other Naga languages is the total absence of the [r] sound in
their phonetic inventory1. This feature is found with a number of
Kuki languages.
term Naga has been used to refer to the people living in the hill
region of Indo-Burman border between the valleys of Bramhaputra
and Chindwin. Besides Nagaland, the Nagas are found in Arunachal
Pradesh, parts of Assam and Manipur states.
(1970) claims that both linguistically and culturally the wanchoos
of the Tirap Division of Arunachal-Pradesh are Konyaks. The Konyaks
are also found across the international boundary on the Burma side.
The Konyaks of Burma come to India to pay tributes to their Angs
(Rulers) who happen to be on the India side. Despite the very wide
use of the term Naga from time immemorial, the Nagas themselves
do not know as to how the term Naga came to be applied to them.
They never had a generic term for the entire people, rather a Naga
was known as belonging to such and such village. Right at the moment
it is not possible to discover the circumstances under which the
term `Naga’came into being. It can, however, be assumed that not
all these people belong to a common stock. The assumptions, among
others, are based on the following1:
The Changes are divided into four occupational clans, Viz: Ongh,
Haongang, Kangsho and Lamo.
these clans parallel the four varnas of the Aryans. However, unlike
the Aryans, in whose case the varnas got stratified to the extent
of preventing intervarna marriages, the Changs living the midst
of an entirely different set of social practices seem to have partially
modified their earlier clan practices so as to permit inter-clan
marriages. But the relics of the varna system is still found amongst
the Changs. For instance, the Ongh, the priestly clan amongst the
Changs was prevented from eating beef and flesh of a number of other
animals. Despite conversion to christianity, the elders amongst
them even today observe these restrictions. Whenever a new village
is established, the respresentatives of the different varnas would
first go to the site and perform the duties customarily assigned
to each varna. This Practice prevailed till very recently, i.e.
as long as there were opportunities for establishing new villages.
The Changs also did not have the practice of marrying the widows
of their elder brother, nor do they marrying the widows of their
elder brother, nor do they marry even their cross cousins, though
cross cousin marriages are considered preferred ones amongst the
Nagas. The clan practices amongst the Phoms, the next door neighbours
of the Changs, show a near parallel to that of the Changs, for instance,
they are divided into five clans. These clans are: Besemthu, Ngyoyem,
Yongpakthu, Yagangh and