The term modal is adjective of mood. Modal is sometime referred
to as modal verb. The main reason to distinguish modal from mood
is because of the form. Modal functions as a word taking the
tense suffix whereas mood is a suffix added to the verb. There
are exceptions to this statement.
The difference is not only the subject noun phrase of the
sentence but also the structure of verb when men or met
is added to the verb. men follows the tense suffix of the verb.
But there is no tense suffix when met is added. Rather it
is added to the infinitive form of the verb.
Vbr + Fut . + men
VbInf. + met
metis to be considered as future negative.
The infinitives cannot be declined for number, person and gender
in Purki. But the infinitive form is declined for the
present tense in Purki. Infinitive as such does not denote any
There are no evidences to state that these forms are compound
verbs. It is possible to argue that these are phrases consisting
of a noun phrase and a verb. The structure would be
A noun phrase construction may consist of a noun alone or noun
with other syntactic categories. As the term itself indicates
the presence of atleast one noun in the phrase is obligatory.
The occurrence of a noun in the noun phrase construction is
obligatory. But other categories like adjectives and
demonstratives are optional. These categories may or may not occur
in a noun phrase construction.
In the following sentences we have noun phrase constructions in
which nouns alone occur