verbal stems are inflectional. In this chapter, we deal with the suffixes
which change the parts of speech of the stems.
Derived Nonus |
Abstract nouns |
The addition of the suffix-i does not bring about the change of grammatical
category of the stems.
The suffix once added changes the subcategories of the stems. The common noun
stems become abstract nouns when the suffix-i is added.
dusman + i |
dusmani |
‘enemy’ |
‘enmity’ |
do:st + i |
do:sti |
‘friend’ |
‘friendship’ |
kamzo:r + i |
‘kamzo:ri |
‘weak’ |
‘weakness’ |
mazbu:t + i |
‘mazbu: ti |
‘strong’ |
‘strength’ |
It is to be pointed out that both the suffix and the nominal stems are
borrowed from Urdu and not productive.
Agentive Nouns |
The agentive nouns are also derived by adding suffixes like -khan,
-pa and -can to the verbal and nominal stems.
penesekia |
‘to lend money’ |
pa:nchonma |
‘to sell pan’ |
‘to do magic’
To these verbs, the suffix
-khan is added to derive the respective agentive nouns.
peneseki (a) + khan
‘money lender’ |
pa:nchon(ma) + khan
‘panseller’ |
ja:duba + khan
The agentive nouns are also derived from other non-agentive
kapsa + khan |
kapsakhan |
-pa and -can are also added to derive the agentive nouns.
-pa |
bulon + pa |
‘bulonpa |
‘debt’ |
‘debtor’ |
chon + pa |
chonpa |
‘trade’ |
‘trader/merchant’ |
-can |
rzon + can |
rzoncan |
Suffixes like- a:r and -wa:la
are found occurring with the noun stems which are borrowed
from Urdu.
zami:n +
zami:n a:r