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The numerals in this language were defined as belonging to that grammatical class which on the paradigmatic axis is capable of taking ordinal suffixes but incapable of taking number or tense marker and on the syntagmatic axis, is capable of forming construction with post positions and/ or fill in the slots of a noun or function as a satellite in a NP. A few example would illustrate this.
duytor ‘second’
duybi ‘two also’
sari pora duy dibi ‘please give two out of four’
duy lora jayse ‘two boys went’ etc.

The numerals in this language can in the first instance be sub grouped into two, viz., simple number word and compound number words. The simple number words are those that are monomorphemic, i.e., not further analysable into component parts and the compound number words are those that are constructed from two or more simple number words. The simple number words are designated as primary numerals and the compound number words are designated secondary numerals.

Whereas the primary numerals are a closed set of limited numbers, the compound number words are infinite. There are only 12 primary numerals in this language which may be collectively referred to as the terminal vocabulary of the Naga Pidgin number system. These are listed below.
ek ‘one’ sat ‘seven’
duy ‘two’ at ‘eight’
tini ‘three’ nw ‘nine’
sari ‘four’ dos ‘ten’
was ‘five’ noboy ‘ninety’
choy ‘six’ so ‘hundred’

Since the numbers from one to ten are listed, grouped into ten, and then moves over to listing and grouping for another ten and so on, it can be stated that the number system in this language is on the base ten1. Excepting for the numerals for ninety and hundred, all the numerals above the ten are secondary ones. The structure of the secondary numerals can be stated in terms of the relationship of the constituents amongst themselves. These are discussed below.

1It has also an alternate form having a base twenty. (Please see the next page).
The structure of the secondary numerals:
A secondary numeral in this language can have a maximum of three constituents. The structure (relationship of the constituents) the secondary numerals show different types of permutations and commutations of simple arithmetic's viz., summation, subtraction and multiplication. Only the numerals having three constituents make use of two or more of these devices. The numerals having only two constituents have either summation or multiplication but not both. Depending upon the structural device employed, the secondary numerals in this language can be primarily sub-grouped into three. These sub groupings along with the illustrative examples are given below.
1. structure showing the summationof the two constituents:-
  ba+ro    ‘two + ten'   = baro   ‘twelve’
  te+ro    ‘three+ten’   = tero   ‘thirteen’ etc.
  The numerals1 11 to 18 have the same structure.

2. The structure showing the multiplication of the two consituents:-
  bi X - s     ‘two     X   ten’  =  bis  ‘twenty’
  tri X -s     ‘three   X   ten’   =  tris  ‘thirty’
  hotu-X-r   ‘seven  X   ten’   = hotur ‘seventy’ etc.
The multiples of 10 from 20 to 80 show this type of structure.
3. The structure showing the combinations of summation or subtraction and multiplication:-
As mentioned earlier, this type of structure involves only the secondary numerals having at least three constituents. In other words, when a numeral has three constituents, the last two constituents are multiplied in the first instance and then the value of the first constituent is either subtracted or summed up as the case may be, with the number arrived at out of the multiplication. This can be put in a formulaic statement:
(a) subracation and multiplication :
  ontis    ‘twenty nine’  =  - on +(ti X s)   =-1+(3X10)=29
  onnoys ‘nineteen’      =  -onn +(oy-X-s) =-1+
                                           (2X10)=-1+20=19 etc.

The numerals from 11 to 20 and the multiples of ten upto 100 listed in the next page.


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