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I am indebted to Dr. D.P. Pattanayank, Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, who provided me the opportunity to study Mising language. I wish to record my senses of gratitude to Dr. E. Annamalai, professor-cum-Deputy Director, who supervised the work from its inception, and inspite of his busy schedule, always found time for me, with great patience, went through, line by line, the preliminary draft of the manuscript and guided for further improvements upon the material. His encouragement has been a constsnt source of inspiration to me. The monograph reflects his eruditon. I am thanful to Dr. M. V. Shreedhar with whom i had occasions to discuss the various points while the work was in progress.

I express my deep and heart-felt regrads to my never failing friends Sastry and Abraham who took personal care and interest to make many suggestions. But for their efforts, this work would never have been placed in the present form. However, for nay gaps and errors, I own responsibility.

Mr. Nagendra Nath Payeng, B.A.B.T., Assistant Teacher, Phukanarhat High School, North Lakhimpur and Mr. Kiron Kumar Medak, B.A., Government High School, North Lakhimpur were My primary informants, while i was in North Lakhimpur (Assam) during the last quarter of 197 , in connection with collectin data for the present wok. My sincere thanks are due to them.

i record my sincere thanks to Mr. Hem Chandra Payeng, Cashier,Magakum Parishad, North Lakhimpur, Mr.Ganesh Pegy, B.A. Majuli, Mr. Bibhishan Pegu, B.A., B.T., Head Master, Kekuri High School, Dhakwakhana, Majuli, and Mr. Surya Kumar Sintey of Patirgaon, who spared their valuable time to enable me to cross-check the collected data.

My thanks are also due to Miss Reet Medak, and Miss Shanti Doley of Patirgaon and to many of their friends, whose names i do not remembe now, for their enthusiasm and reading to help mein collecting folk songs, which are perhaps one of the imortant sources of recording Mising culture and history. also record my htanks to Mr. Bhrigumuni Kagyung, Secretary ‘Mising Agom Kebang’. Gauhati and Mr. Indreswar Pegu M.A.,Principal, Jagrai Mukh Colleg, majuli, who spared the time during their stay in C.I.I.L., Mysore, so that i was able to deter my own doubts at certain points.

I am thankful to the staff members of the C.I.I.L. and the Mysore university libraries.


The grammatical analysis and the preparation of the first draft of the grammar were done by Dr. Bal Ram Prasad in 1985. Due to his leaving the Institute during this period and his sudden demise subsequently, we undertook the task of revising and editing the manuscript to make it ready for publication as a token of respect to the memory of our friend.

We thank Dr. M. S. Thirumalai, Professor-cum-Deputy Director, for his interest in hastening the publication of the book.

We acknowledgement our gratitude to Mr.H.L.N. Bharati and Mr. K. Srinivasacharya of the Publication Unit for their in-valuable help in getting this book ready for the Press.

We are also thankful to Mr. S. B. Biswas and the staff of the CIIL Press for seeing the book through the press.








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