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Thus the word types in Mising are as follows :
a) Simple word consists of a single fre form or a stem.
b) Derived word consists of a stem and one or more affixes.
c) Compound word consists of two simple stems with or without affixes.
Thus the word classes in Mising which have been established on the basis of formal and functional criteria are as follows:-
i) Noun (including noun substitutes)
ii) Adjective (including numerals and classifiers)
iii) Verb
iv) Adverb
v) Function words (particles)
Of thse, only function words, though free forms, do not enter into higher constructions.
Nouns and noun substitutes, or pronouns, take number, gender and case suffixes and hence they are separated from other form classes. A typical formula for a noun construction in Mising would be as follows.
n = + n nc: ns ± num:nm ± g:gm ± c:cm
i.e., noun consists of a nominal free from which may or may not take overt number, gender and case morpheme(s).
As a formal category, verbs in Mising have a more complex morphological system and are separated from other form classes as they take tense, mood and aspect suffixes. A typical formula will be as follows :
iv / vt = +v nc:iv/vt ± tense        aspect       mood
The nuclear position of the verb is occupied by an intransitive or transitive verb stem with or without overt tense, aspect and mood markers. Adjectives fill the functional slot of possession, partitiveness, etc. An adjective in Mising has the following type of morphological construction.
adj = + adj nc: adj s ± comp : {-ya/ -yapag}
An adjective consists of an adjective nucleus filled by an adjective stem and an optional comparison slot filled by /-ya/ or /-yapag/-
Adverbs fill the slot of adverbials difining location, time, etc. Apart from these, there are a few forms which fill functional slots at the syntactic level and may be termed as function words.

1. Noun

1.0 Stems, which are inflected for number, gender and case are nouns. Missing nouns are not differentiated for person.
Animate nouns can take number and gender markers as well as postpositions. Human nouns and animate non-human nouns have different ways of showing gender distinction.
They fall into two classes - (a) simple and (b) derived.
1.0.1 Simple nouns comprise forms for human, animate non-human and inanimate entities.
Examples :
Human Nouns


Animate non-human nouns








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