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 Feminine :
Feminine gender is expressed in three ways.
(i)  Lexical :
/myą/  `wife’
/įy/  `daughter’
/nyą/ `daughter-in-law’


(ii) Compounding :
/ą-myą/ girl’
 Suffixation :

The animate nouns in common gender may optionally be specified for feminine gender. Where specified, the feminine is marked for pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive stages by different suffixes.


The non-human animate pre-reproductive feminity is expressed by the suffix /-ch*/. The nouns taking the suffix would represent animals and birds before the egglaying/offspring bearing stage.

/tyś-ch/ `hen’
/macįb-ch/ `cow’
/kwįg-ch/ `bitch’



The non-human animate reproductive feminity is expressed by suffix /-tapi/. The nouns taking this suffix would represent the animals and birds in the egg-laying/offspring- bearing stage.

/tyś-tapi/  `hen’
/macįb-tapi/  `cow’
/kwįg-tapi/ `bitch’



The non-human animate post-reproductive famininity is expressed by the suffix /-krł/-. The nouns taking this suffix would represent animals and birds beyond the egg-laying/offspring bearing stage.

/tyś-krł/ `hen’
/macį-krł/ `cow’
/kwįg-krł/ `bitch’


 Number :
Only count nouns are inflected for number. The number inflexion is between singular and plural.
 Singular :

Most of the nouns are lexically singular. However, it may be reinforced by either the suffix /-ge/ or the numeral /kh/ `one’.



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