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/nįbra/ 'father-in-law'
 The analysis of these forms would give the following morphemes.
/-na/ 'cross cousin by marriage'
/-tya/ 'second generation male'
/-ya/ 'second generation female'
/-bą/ 'first generation male'
/-mą/ 'first generation female'
/-bra/ 'first generation male(by marriage)'
/-yąp/ 'first generation female(by marriage)'
/a-/ 'male(with reference to ego)'
/jyi-/ female(with reference to ego)'
'parental relationship'
Secondary Derived Stems:
     These are stems composed of at least one simple stem and one derivative suffix.The constituent stem may belong to any class.
Derivatives of Noun Stems:


The derivative suffix /-rć/ denotes ancestral relationship beyond two generations.
/nįya/ 'grandmother'
/nayarć/ 'female ancestor'
/nįtya/ 'grandfather'
'male ancestor'


The derivative suffix /-ąk/ denotes colateral relations of parents with the relative age difference marked obligatorily by the derivative suffixes /-p/ and /-w/.
/nįbą/ 'father'
/nįbą-p-ąk/ 'father's elder brother'
/nįbą-w-ąk/ 'father's younger brother'
/nįmą/ 'mother'
/nįmą-p-ąk/ 'parent's elder sister'
'parent's younger sister'
The terms for maternal uncle are different and do not follow this pattern of derivation.


The suffix /-ą/ derives diminutives of the nouns to which it is attached.
/tįra/ 'dao'
/tįraą/ 'knife'
/pya/ 'bird'
Derivatives of Adjectival Stems:
        The derivation is unmarked.The nouns are derived from adjectives by a zero process(Ref.2.0.3).The adjectives represent abstract qualities.
/prą/ 'good/goodness/virtue'
/maci/ 'jealous/jealousy'
/masyį/ 'secret/secrecy'
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