/kitab-na-kąy /
`two books’ |
(5) Inanimate nouns representing
objects which are broad and sharp take the classifier /-pla/.
/syābr -pla-kąsą /
`three swords’ |
sword-cl-three |
/tįra-pla-wẽ/ |
`seven knives’ |
(6) Inanimate nouns representing
objects which are very big and are man-made like house, dam, etc. take the
classifier /-dõ/.
/į -dõ-mį a/
`five houses’ |
/house-cl-five |
/iskul-dõ-kąy /
`two schools’ |
(7) Inanimate nouns representing
apertures take the classifier /-pe/.
tad -pe-kąy /
`two niches’ |
niche-cl-two |
/khįlyą´-pe-kąsą /
`three doors’ |
door-cl-three |
/higłyk-pe-mį a/
`five caves’ |
(8) Non-human animate nouns take the
classifier /-tya /.
/taméyģ -tya -malam/ |
`hundred elephants’ |
elephant-cl-hundred |
/tadįb-tya -tahro/
`six falcons’ |
falcon-cl-six |
/macył-tya -kinyā /
`nine deer’ |
deer-cl-nine |
/tabįb-tya -raza /
`thousand snakes’ |
(9) Human nouns do not take any
/m yą-kąy /
`two wives’ |
wife-two |
/yśwą-kąsą /
`three sons’ |
son-three |
/gwįg-tahro/ |
`six priests’ |
Structure of the Noun :
A noun, in Mishmi, consists of a stem or combination of
stems followed by various suffixes. The suffixes are a nominalizer, a gender
marker, a pluralizer or a classifier-numeral combination, a case marker and
a comparison marker.
The structure is graphically
represented in the following diagram.
g |
-- |
gender marker |
s1, s2 |
-- |
stems |
CM |
-- |
case marker |
The formation can only proceed along
any path from left to right.
Cooccurrence Restrictions :
(1) Classifier, when it occurs, is
always along with numeral.